Thursday, April 30, 2009

i've just deleted two posts

"eh eh" "paan" "gajadi deh" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH APAAAAAAAAAAAAN" "gak gak"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


"The one billionth app, Bump created by Bump Technologies, was downloaded by Connor Mulcahey, age 13, of Weston, CT. As the grand prize winner of Apple’s one billion app countdown contest, Connor will receive a $10,000 iTunes gift card, an iPod touch, a Time Capsule and a MacBook Pro."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

(sometimes) Facebook = solution to escape from boredom

kayaknya Indonesia mustinya warna biru tua ya. hahaha 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

how to make your own mac n cheese!

yak teman2 dalam rangka udah mau UAN kan jum'at libur, terus gue berencana experimen makanan2 yg ditemukan dirumah.  terus tadi pas buka laci dapur nemu :

1. Continental cheese sauce

2. Honig makaroniku

jadi terpikirlah diotak gw untuk bikin.... mac n cheese!!

Alat dan bahan :
1. Wajan untuk penggorengan
2. mangkok untuk ngaduk cheese sauce
3. tempat rebus makaroni (gatau apa namanya)
4. spatula & pisau
5. cheese sauce bubuk
6. makaroni/penne/pasta lainnya
7. air panas
8. smoked beef
9. mentega

Cara membuat: 
1. keluarkan makaroni dari kotaknya lalu masukkan ke tempat ngerebusnya
2. masukin air untuk ngerebus
3. rebuslah sampai matang!!
4. masukkan air panas ke mangkok
5. masukkan semua bubuk cheese sauce
6. aduklah sampai halus!
7. potong2 smoked beef sampai kecil2
8. tumislah diwajan menggunakan mentega!!
9. hidangkan makaroni dan smoked beef di piring, lalu siram dengan cheese sauce


Step 3

step 6

Step 8

step 9

p.s maaf fotonya jelek dan miring karena menggunakan HP

Monday, April 20, 2009


okay so now i'm still confused which university will i take for the undergraduate program.  here's the candidate that i already interested

1. National University of Singapore- Business School

This is the best business school in Singapore, the 5th best in Asia-Pacific AND NUMBER 35 IN THE WORLD!!! and there's also the new building that i read at the website called "the Mochtar Riady Building".  it sounds kinda familiar.  and i keep on reading, reading, reading, and HE'S THE CEO OF LIPPO GROUP and he donate $21million to NUS.  why dont he donated that money to UI/UPH/ITB. uh

2. Universitas Pelita Harapan Business School

my mom said that this is the best business school here in Indonesia.  many people graduated from UPH and worked in the same office with my mom and mom said that they're great.  creative and innovative

3. School of Business and Management-Institut Teknologi Bandung

i don't know why i was interested with this university because it is located in Bandung.  I know that's not so important.  oya and even this School is in ITB, it is a private university not a public university.

i found the NUS advert, maybe i'll be this excited too if i'm accepted in every University that i want.

maybe you're asking "ngapain sih dia lulus SMP aja belom ud ribut kuliah."  well, 3 years are kinda fast, right?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

190409 = F

1. badan pegel2, terus kekampung belakang nyari tukang pijet langganan soalnya dianya gak bisa di telpon, eh ternyata orangnya lg pulang kampung. shit. alhasil sampe sekarang gerak dikit sakit banget
2. nyokap marah2 melulu. gara2 gw lupa ngingetin dia untuk ngasih sepatu pentas ke adek. alhasil adek gw sepatunya pas pentas beda sendiri dan gw yang dimarahin lagian salah adek gw juga g ngingetin.
3. internet browser ngaco semua. beberapa gambar gak bisa keluar. mau ngamuk rasanya
4. temen ada yg gajadi dibelin kamera gatau kenapa gwnya ajdi ikut2an bete juga
5. tadi makan di shabu tei mbak2 gatau tolol atau lemot atau apapun bisa2nya menu yg dipesen bokap nyokap ketuker sukiyaki jadi shabu2 dan sebaliknya. di latih gak sih dia.
6. dapet jelly enak di shabu tei tapi kecil bgt terus gw dikasih yg punya nyokap pas dimakan malah jatoh ke meja
7. nyokap heboh casing BB dan upgrade BB terus dengan anehnya dia salah ngasih pin ke tukang hp terus kena PUK dan gw juga kena marah
8. temen ada yang lagi "lemes" karena sesuatu jadi ngerasa kasian juga
9. tugas PLKJ yang very2 useless itu susahnya minta ampun minta dibuang ketempat sampah

worst homework ever

Friday, April 10, 2009

I want a macbook!! (oh no slide 8 tulisannya kepotong!)

thanks to NABILA VIGAZI for teaching me to do this. i really appreciate it :) i hope it could work out.

I Hate It

1. when everyone's pretending that they're cool by carrying DSLR camera everywhere and acting like they're the expert in photography. but the result? even a baby could do better than that.
2. when one of the social network is now crowded with bunch of useless people, and they thought that they're one of the first people to use that social networking site, and they moved again to another site, and again, and again. ex : plurk. i'll kill them if they move to twitter (mad).
3. when it's easy for them to ask their parents to buy something. ex : macbook/ DSLR camera. it's very hard for us, the photography exkul students to buy DSLR camera at that time, we even had to beg our parents. but what about them? they just simply said "dad i want a D300" and the next day, a new camera is carried by them.
4. when someone bought a DSLR camera just for taking pictures of themselves.
5. when someone act cool by listening to desndesndes songs.
6. when i'm being mocked by my own friend.
7. when i'm running out of money.
8. when i really really want something but it's so hard to buy that thing.
9. when the internet is running slowly.
10. when there's new series of things that i already had. it seems like the thing that i had is sooooo old. ex: NDS. i have the old silver NDS and there's NDSi now.
p.s. sorry if the article is kinda weird... and if you think that i ever did that 10 things too.... well, i'm a human. what could possibly go right :D

Thursday, April 9, 2009

